My biggest endeavor yet

I’ve always felt drawn towards the big things in life. These days that looks like:

  • running ultramarathons
  • scaling cliff walls
  • climbing mountains

This pull towards “the big things in life” - it works with big questions, and big problems, too:

For example, I spent years working to find solutions to address poor health and chronic disease (the focus of my first platform: Your Health, Reprogrammed). Over in that space, I cultivated so many solutions for what we "could do" to be healthier (if only us human beings were driven purely by rational minds).

But this space based purely on logical thought was lacking the ability to produce true transformation, so I asked a new question and began pursuing important answers: How do we actually move forward through a transformational process? That is, not just thinking or knowing what could help us, but actually taking action that leads to beneficial outcomes?

I thought that, in the end, I would be bringing these two together. That is, I thought I would be going back to a space focused purely on human health transformation once I had these answers. I thought that would be enough to satisfy my heart and mind as they continue to scheme together to drive me towards outrageous goals.

But it wasn't... it turns out that what I'm chasing after these days is even bigger.

There's this BIG idea that's been brewing within me.

And it scares me, because it's bigger than anything I imagined before!

There are bits and pieces of it that are simpler to grasp onto. You probably already know some of these, for I've already been bringing them to this platform:

  1. Supporting our own selves: mentally, physically, emotionally
  2. Supporting the health of our planet
  3. Satisfying our own hearts and desires

Do you think there's a way to do it all?

  • to heal our physical bodies from the disease that arises thanks to the modern world (including all its industrial processes)
  • to heal from the mental distress that arises thanks to the overwhelming stress that's been put on us
  • to heal our planet from the terrible misalignment us humans have created

I do. I believe there's a way to do it all at once.

Even more, I believe the only path forward is for us to get to the root of these issues: directing our attention towards changes that will fundamentally bring us back in alignment.

It's a way I've been testing out for a while now. Shall we call it a working hypothesis: That maybe these things we think are so different are really all symptoms of the same diseased way of living.

And, from this perspective, perhaps there are fundamental ways of living that enable true healing across the board:

  • healing our physical bodies
  • healing from the mental distress
  • healing our planet

And, no, I don't have it down perfectly. But that's part of the point, isn't it?

That point is that we are not here to perfectly solve all problems, nor to have every possible solution mapped out from the get-go.

Instead, maybe the way we solve these enormous challenges that bring such suffering to our world begins the same way I took off to run 100 miles:

With one first step.

Followed by another, and another.

And, across time - with enough consistency and alignment with the big picture - we find that we can take a pause, look back on all that we've been through, and find that we have, indeed, created that brilliant transformation we were seeking.

The next important question becomes: what is the first step?

Think about it, let me know your ideas, and I'll circle back soon with my own thoughts on where we begin.

Lots of love,


Hi! I'm Katie

I tell stories and teach practices focused on a fully embodied experience of this life. Whether I am out running on the trails, climbing mountains, teaching a yoga class, writing a book, or working with a client 1-on-1, I am here to support a greater connection (mind, body, Earth) as we become ever more capable of healing: our own selves, our communities, and our dear planet

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